Leonardo da Vinci - The Great Procrastinator Who Changed The World
Leonardo da Vinci - The Great Procrastinator Who Changed The World
Did you know that Leonardo da Vinci considered himself a loser?
Leonardo da Vinci is one of the most gifted and inventive men in history, a mathematician, engineer, sculptor, scientist, and one of the best painters of all time. His “Last Supper“ and “Mona Lisa“ are one the most popular and influential masterpieces. He was a genius who born out of curiosity and unlimited desire for knowledge. His notebooks reveal that he was centuries ahead of his time.
His inventions, journals, ideas - changed the world. Many people don’t know that Leonardo da Vinci struggled most of his life. Can you Believe that He considered himself a loser, someone who had failed in life. Like me and you he faced rejection, failure and self doubt.
This is the success story of Leonardo da Vinci, the great procrastinator who changed the world.
The interesting thing is, Leonardo Da Vinci, one of the most gifted and inventive men in history never had any kind of formal education, no degree in any field. At the age of 15 Leonardo Da Vinci became a trainee under the famous sculptor and painter Andrea del Verrocchio.
But Leonardo da Vinci became known for being unable to finish a task. As a freelancer, that is not a good quality.
He became famous for missing deadlines and not finishing the job. And that was not good for business. So now, no one would hire him. And He just hits 30!
Many Years passed before the genius of Leonardo da Vinci was noticed. Today he is known as one of the best painters of all time. But did you know that He was 46 when he completed ’The Last Supper’.
Despite excelling in everything from science to sculpture to painting he considered himself a failure, a disappointment.
He had so many interests, But spent too much time planning projects and procrastinated on actually finishing his projects.
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This is the perfect place to gain that positive thinking and faith that life will someday be better. This is the place where are the most inspirational stories of people who failed in some point in their life, but they washed the dirt off them and kept going and going until they saw a light on the end of the tunnel. Life is hard, not fair and doesn’t care about your feeling, so stop being afraid and start to live! If you want to achieve greatness stop asking for permission. Go for it.
So, What’s YOUR Story ?
This video is for entertainment purposes only. It is based on my internet research and might not be completely true. You should always do your own research.
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