Us Civil Defence (1951)

Unissued / unused footage - dates and locations may be unclear / unknown. US Civil Defence - United States of America. American newsreel titles read: ’US GETS UNDER WAY ON CIVIL DEFENSE [sic]’. M/S of President Harry S Truman signing “the $3 billion Federal Civil Defence pact“ in White House office with others standing around him. C/U of signatures on the document. At Civil Defence enrolment bureau in New York we see various shots of men and women signing forms. Shots of signs pointing to ’Public Shelter’ in streets. Man carries stretcher onto bus that has been converted into ambulance in case of emergency. Bus leaves garage. (There is a cut at this point. Missing section of footage - according to shot list it showed firemen at scene of incident, rescuing victims and wounded being taken to Bellevue Hospital.) Nurse in hospital covers up a patient in bed with a blanket. M/S of pilots at McGuire air force base playing cards around a table. One of the men answers a telephone. He gives
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