Uchiage Hanabi - Fireworks (2017) [Piano] DAOKO X Yonezu Kenshi

Fireworks (2017) is one of those Anime Movies, where you can only remember the brilliant Theme Song「Uchiage Hanabi」 while the story was completely forgotten already. Actually, once you have seen the official Music Video from DAOKO X Yonezu Kenshi, you have pretty much seen the entire movie. Nevertheless, 「Uchiage Hanabi」 is simply a completely amazing song because even after 4 years, I still think it sounds fresh and original. Is it the rhythmic energy in the chorus? Or is it the piano melody in the intro? Or maybe the final chorus with the la-la-la chant at the end? Either way, I lost count how many times I have listened to「Uchiage Hanabi」and it is truly the embodiment of a perfect summer song. My main goal for this piano arrangement was to preserve the rhythmic energy of the original song and that’s why I used so many staccato and syncopations in the left hand: in the first verse 0:42, in the second verse 1:51 and also in all three chorus sections. I paid special attention to careful pedaling this time t
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