Music by Farya Faraji, vocals by Farya Faraji and Kelareh Kabiri. Please note that this isn’t reconstructed music from the Achaemenid era, only modern music with an ancient theme. Cyrus was the founder of the Achaemenid Empire, the first Persian Empire in Iranian history that took over the previous Median Empire. He is widely regarded by modern Iranians to be the father of Iran, and was one of the most revered kings in Antiquity, admired by Alexander and Caesar, and seen even into the Renaissance as the model for what a king should be.
The lyrics are in Old Persian and Akkadian, the first being from what is called the CMa inscription found on Palace P of Pasargadae. From what I understand, these words may not actually date back to Cyrus’ era and would have been retroactively written after the era of Darius I. The second are from the Cyrus Cylinder, a document describing Cyrus’ taking power over the Babylonian Empire, and how he restored the temples, cults and sacred images. Due to this, the document is often proclaimed to be the first declaration of Human Rights in history, and while this is an exaggeration given that the concept of human rights did not exist back then, and the text embodies nowhere near the values promulgated by modern human rights (the *actual* text—there are false translations commonly circulated around the Internet); the Achaemenid policy of cultural and religious tolerance nevertheless remains something they were renowned for, and some current regimes 2500 years later lack behind them in this regard. This video is posted on the 29th October given that it is the national day of Cyrus in Iran, although not his actual birthday as it is unkown.
Lyrics in Old Persian:
Adam kuruš xšâya,
Thiya haxâmanišiya,
Kûruš, xšâyathiya,
Vazraka, haxâmanišiya
Wašna Auramazdaha,
Adam xšayathiya amyi,
Auramazda, xšhahiam,
Mana frabara thatyi.
I am Cyrus, King,
an Achaemenian,
Cyrus the great King,
an Achaemenian
By the grace of Ahura Mazda,
I am King
Lyrics in Akkadian:
a-na-ku mKu-ra-aŠ Šar kiŠ-Š at Šarru rabu Šarru dan-nu Š ar Babili Šar mât Š ú-me-ri ú Ak-ka-di Šar kib-ra-a-ti ir-bit-tim
mar mKa-am-bu-zi-ia Šarru rabu Šar alu An-Š á-an mar mari mKu-ra-aŠ Šarru rabu Šar alu An-Š á-an Š m Š i-iŠ-pi-iŠ Š arru rabu Šar alu An-Š a-an
I am Cyrus, king of the world, the great king, the powerful king, king of Babylon, king of Sumer and Akkad, king of the four quarters of the world,
Son of Cambyses, the great king, king of the city of Anshan, grandson of Cyrus, the great king, king of the city of Anshan; great-grandson of Teispes, the great king, king of the city of Anshan.
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