Powerful, compelling Documentary of how the FBI can murder you and then blame you for any and all lives lost in the attack. This is so reminiscent of Waco, Ruby Ridge, LaVoy Finicum, Schaeffer Cox, Jeff Weinhaus and even the ones convicted at The Bundy Ranch. The FBI will stop at nothing... “Death and taxes.“ The love of money is the root of all evil. And the USA has proven it will spill blood if you withhold their shiny ring from them. Gordon withdrew from the Tax and Social security scam was educating the public on their Constitutionally protected, God given rights, and they killed and dismembered him for it. And he knew they would when he gained a following and time on TV discussing the unlawful nature of the income and social security tax. Sounds familiar? Shame on the Federal Reserve and the IRS and the FBI. Shame on the enforcers who carry out their wickedness and oppress their neighbor for a paycheck. This film is about the murder of US Vetran Gordan Kahl who served faithfully in WWII, and the imprisonment of his son Yorie and friend Scott Faul. They still sit in prison today after 35 years. Learn more about their story here: If you thought LaVoy Finicum’s murder was egregious, you must watch this. They do show images of Gordon’s body so don’t watch it with children.
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