Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson: I think we’ll see a disillusion of the NATO alliance after this winter

Watch the full video here: Col. Lawrence Wilkerson was Chief of Staff to Secretary of State Colin Powell from 2002 to 2005, and a distinguished professor of government and public policy at the College of William and Mary. He previously joined Massachusetts Peace Action as an annual speaker, as a panel member and as a discussion member. Wilkerson is a critic of the US invasion of Iraq, the ongoing War on Terror, and the turn to a new nuclear arms race. He often speaks about the two existential threats: nuclear weapons and the climate crisis. Janet Weil, a military family member and retired adult educator, serves on the Veterans For Peace Climate Crisis and Militarism Project. She also edits the newsletter and blog for the Extinction Rebellion group in Portland, Oregon, where she lives with her family. Juggling determination and despair, rage and love, Janet finds strength in sharing knowledge and taking action with people working for a livable planet. Thi
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