Catching Thermals Back View - Interesting to watch
Here you can see the bodywork behind the GoPro Shot... Interesting to watch, but not to imitate!!
Flying thermals is a super nice experience and I did it a lot over the years - flying close to the wall where the lift is the best, feeling like a bird, catching every lift I can get! With the new suits and the flare capabilities it is way more enjoyable than a couple of years ago, the new suits (Squirrel CORVID-2) are way more stable at lower air speeds. But it´s harder to judge where exactly the limit is ;) I don´t fly with a flysight so my perception is all based on musclefeeling, sound and visuals. Taste comes into play when you start feeling like riding on a big balloon of upward moving air, it becomes wobbly, unstable and gets worse as you come close to the stallpoint. Flying over terrain is very dangerous in such configuration as you can see at 0:33. TERRAIN TERRAIN!!
I fell out of the lift as I came over the terrain and another bump hit me right after I cleared it