
雨季的云南,就是七彩斑斓的样子,连菌子都是彩色的。雨过天晴的清晨,那肯定是上山采菌子了,颜色艳丽,味道鲜美,这次上山采摘了几十种不同口感的菌子,一锅炖!鲜甜爽口,喝上一晚杂菌火锅,哇,幸福的味道~ (地域差异,可食用菌类各有不同,大部分没熟的野生菌都可能会有毒哦,记得不要生吃!请勿食用不认识的菌类!) ※Click “cc“ on the lower right menu to choose your subtitle language. During the wet season, Yunnan is filled with various colors. Even the fungi have different colors. After a rainy night, the next thing to do is to pick some fungi in the mountains. They come in various colors and great tastes. I picked many different fungi in the mountains and stew them
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