*To avoid misunderstandings:* These voice lines are in the game files but cannot be triggered (and will probably never be utilized in-game as Larian aimed for a different story direction!) - Cut Content.
Link to Wither’s Cut Epilogue Audio Files Video:
Just a short video of some companions (Karlach, Shadowheart, Lae’zel and Astarion) reacting to Minthara being pregnant. Those were all the files I could find with the TG_ORI_Minthara_TalkedAboutPregnancy Trigger.
If you want to take a look at the voice files yourself, here’s the methodology I’ve used:
Step 1: Download the dialog files someone already compiled ( - Original source unknown ).
Step 2: Download Norbyte’s ( ).
Step 3: Extract the files using 7-zip, winrar or some other file archiver.
Step 4: Create a new folder on your Desktop (or any other location) and name it like you want (for this example it is named ’Test’).
Step 5: Launch Converter located in the folder, choose Baldur’s Gate 3 (64-bit) from the Drop-Down-Menu and go to the second tab called ’PAK / LSV Tools’.
Step 6: Go to ’Extract Package’ and choose/enter the package path of your (located within the game files - Example: C:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Baldurs Gate 3\Data\Localization\).
Step 7: Choose/enter the path of your newly created folder as ’Destination Path’ (e.g. C:\Users\Name\Desktop\Test) and hit the ’Extract Package’ button.
Step 8: Repeat Step 6 and 7 but instead of , you extract (e.g. C:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Baldurs Gate 3\Data\Localization\).
Step 9: In the Converter App, navigate to the tab ’Localization’, enter the input file path of (it should be located in your folder e.g. C:\Users\Name\Desktop\Test\Localization\English\).
Step 10: Copy the ’Input file path’ and paste it in the ’Output file path’ but change the file extension from .loca to .xml (e.g. C:\Users\Name\Desktop\Test\Localization\English\) and hit ’Convert’.
Step 11: Open with the editor of your choice (e.g. Notepad ).
Info: This file contains pretty much all lines of text within the game (voiced dialog lines, player choices, unused text, etc..), every line has a contentuid attached to it (37-Character String).
*If you know what kind of line you are looking for, you can skip to step 15.*
Step 12: Open the downloaded ’BG3 - parsed dialogue (1.0)’ folder, go to ’Dialogs’ folder and in here you can find every datamined dialog files currently in the game (Party banter, orgin moment dialogue, unused files, etc.)
Step 13: Use the windows explorer to search for keywords, specific lines, characters etc.
Step 14: Open the .html file using your browser and locate a specific line of dialog you want to look up to see if there is an audio file associated with it.
Step 15: Go to and use ’Ctrl F’ to locate that specific line of text and copy the associated contenuid string (example: he31bd610ga2bcg4488g8b91gab51948cffb8)
Step 16: After you copied it, go to C:\Users\Name\Desktop\Test\Mods\Gustav\Localization\English\Soundbanks.
Step 17: Paste the contentuid into the explorer searchbar and hope there’s a voice file there (It takes a while going through the files).
*Tip:* By batching the files, using a script or windows command you can drastically increase your search speed.
As an example, I’ve used a windows command to remove everything before and including the underscore of the file names (Before doing something like that, you should look at the file naming scheme below).
For that I’ve used ’cmd’, typed in ’cd C:\Users\Name\Desktop\Test\Mods\Gustav\Localization\English\Soundbanks’ and ran this command: ren “?????????????????????????????????_*.wem“ “//////////////////////////////////*.wem“
It got rid of about 65% of the actor/character ids.
*Audio file naming scheme Info:* The name is composed of the actor/character id and the contentuid (37-Character String) with an underscore dividing them. One contentuid can be assigned to multiple actors/characters.
Step 18: Select the file with the matching contentuid (the 37-Character String after the Underscore _ )
Step 19: Listen to the file using vmgstream’s ( ) Online web player or convert it to .wav using one of their command-line options.
Hope this “guide“ is helpful!
Link to the steam forum post of ᛊᚨᛁᛚᛟᚱ ᛗᛟᛟᚾ for his/her list of cut content (take some things with a grain of salt):
And shoutout to the folks over at Minthara’s Lack of Content & Humble Fanclub, Karlach’s Story and Fix Act 3 narrative - cut content - companion endings Discord feedback threads :)
Shadowheart: 0:00
Lae’zel: 0:08
Astarion: 0:16
Karlach 0:34
Bonus: 0:52
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