Footage shows lava flow after volcano erupts in Democratic Republic of Congo

Around 8,000 people crossed into Rwanda from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) to seek refuge following the eruption of the Mount Nyiragongo volcano, Rwanda’s Emergency Management Ministry said. “This morning, after lava flows from Nyiragongo volcano have stopped, most of Congolese evacuated to Rubavu are returning back home. Rwanda received around 8000 people last night,“ the ministry said on its official Twitter account. Thousands of residents in Goma, a major city in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, spent the night outdoors following eruption, according to a spokesman for the Norwegian Refugee Council. “There has not been a massive panic movement, but people are really worried,“ said Tom Peyre-Costa, the council’s spokesman for west and central Africa. The volcanic eruption seems to have subsided, according to the Goma Volcano Observatory, which monitors the volcano. Authorities in the city activated an evacuation plan as a precaution. “We arriv
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