The Philosophy of Black Red - Rakdos | Definitive Color Pie Study

Of any color pair in Magic the Gathering, and of its color philosophy, none have a worse reputation than Rakdos. What I mean is that its a section of the color pie who seems destined to play the villain. Which is a shame really, its actually a lot more nuanced than that. You see Black Red, or Rakdos is a mtg color pair that simply desires to get the fullest experience when it comes to its own life, and is that so wrong. Is that not what we are all strive for in this limited life of ours. In this video I aim to give you a deeper perspective on Rakdos, and one that may change your opinion on thi...s color pie pair. To do so we will dig into its root color philosophy, by breaking down the spaces where Black and Red’s own philosophies merge to create something new. DiceTry SOCIAL MEDIA --- Follow me everywhere Official WebPage- Patreon - Twitter- Instagram- Discord- TikTok- @dicetry?
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