“Don’t believe everything that you think” & 37 other lifehacks from “Tools of Titans“ by Tim Ferriss
“Don’t believe everything that you think” & 37 other lifehacks from “Tools of Titans“ by Tim Ferriss
I’ve been living a Tim Ferriss kind of lifestyle for over a decade now so in this deep-dive book review - filmed in gloomy Istanbul, Turkey and beautiful Sozopol, Bulgaria - I’ll add my own experiences and #lifehacking insights to the notable passages of this 700-word, $16 book.
💡 You’re going to want to watch this one in full as I point out MAJOR WAY that Tim Ferriss screwed up in, arguably, the MOST IMPORTANT #lifestyle department.
My MOST CINEMATIC #BookReview also delves into...
Information diet: Reading books vs listening to podcasts
Slow Carb Diet
Sleep hacks
Waking up hacks
Business and entrepreneurship
Hacking expertise
Time management
Systems vs goals
Morning pages
Travel and vagabonding
Cultural novelty
Personal development
Reality is negotiable
Long-term thinking
A lesson for avaricious men
“What do you believe that other people think is insane?”
Read Book Review 📑 Everything mentioned here
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