Как сделать личный сервер 24/7 в Palworld | Удалённый сервер

Сервис для хостинга: Промокод: ONIDEV - даёт скидку 15% Создание сервера Palworld. Как создать сервер в игре Palworld. Гайд по созданию сервера Я разработчик игр на Unity со стажем 4 года. Смотрите другие мои видео на канале! Если вы хотите отправить донат: Мои соцсети: ВКонтакте - Telegram - Twitter - Команды для сервера: /AdminPassword [password] Для входа как админ /Shutdown {Seconds} {MessageText} Starts a timer to shut down servers for all players. You can also add a message. /DoExit Shuts down the server. /KickPlayer {Steam ID} Kicks the selected player off the server. It will be useful if you want to teach offenders a lesson. /BanPlayer {Steam ID} Bans the selected player. This makes it impossible for them to log in to the server in the future. It’s suitable for spammers, griefers, and other offenders. /Broadcast {MessageText} Displays a message for all players on the server. This command will be useful if you want to make an announcement about an event or warn players; for example, about a scheduled server shutdown. /TeleportToPlayer {Steam ID} Teleports you to the selected player. It can be useful for many situations, for example, to check if they are not breaking the rules, etc. /TeleportToMe {Steam ID} Teleports the selected player to you. This command also has many fun and strict uses. /ShowPlayers Shows you a list of all players who are on your server. /Info Displays information about the server. /Save This command saves the world data
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