Doom Eternal - Horde Mode: Trial of The Dark Lord [Nightmare]

Horde Mode 2 - Trial of the Dark Lord is a mod by proteh and solart, go to to download it and instructions on how to play. It only makes sense to upload a video over 2 hours long after uploading a couple that were 20 seconds each. Died once at the start and lost a few extra lives. Got a bit tired towards the end and played rather slow at times. Somehow this took longer than horde mode v1.0, but it felt shorter, so a very nice improvement over horde mode 1. I had a lot of fun, but like horde mode 1 I won’t be doing ultra-nightmare, I’m happy enough with 8 extra lives remaining, it gets a lot easier once you know what’s a head. Also I’m going to need a shower, because I feel so dirty after using the chaingun shield this much, ridiculous how over powered it is. I don’t think anyone would notice if mobile turret was removed from the game. Thanks for watching.
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