Pertumbuhan dan Produksi Ikan Nila Monoseks

Monosex tilapia has great demand and value in the local and international market. As a result monosex tilapia farming rate is growing day by day. There are some other important reasons for gradually increasing the monosex tilapia farming. Generally they have high ability of taking natural feed from pond good interest in supplementary feed, surviving capacity in adverse weather and they have high diseases resistance power. Along with this the demand of this fish in international market is increasing dya by day. Tilapia fish can survive in 13 degree to 42 degree centigrade temperature and grow well in 17 degree to 36 degree temperature. You can produce monosex tilapia in your pond for twice a year. The main problem of tilapia fish farming is its unconditioned propagate. As a result we can see different aged and sized tilapia fish in the pond and we cannot get desired production. Naturally male tilapia grows rapidly than female. Separating the male tilapia and raising them separately is called monos
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