Highlights from Capoeirando 2012, a 5 day Capoeira Festival in Bahia, Brazil, organised by Grand Master Suassuna of Group Cordao De Ouro.
Part 1: the journey there, opening night roda and beach workshop with Mestre Suassuna featuring:
Mestres: Baiano and others*
Contra Mestres: Mascara, Coruja, Espirro.
Plus Zumbi, Maculele, Charada and others*
Coming soon:
- Great mestres of Capoeira Angola, Regional and Contemporanea.
- Samba and Maculele
*I don’t have all the names of the players featured - please feel free to post them, thanks.
4 years ago 00:11:26 1
Capoeira Mestres Dom Ivan e Polêmico: Capoeirando. Sobradinho/DF. IMG_3549. 866,9 MB. 18h20. 07abr12
10 years ago 00:04:22 5
Capoeira Cordão De Ouro Formatura - Capoeirando 2012 CDO
12 years ago 00:04:08 40
Clipe Capoeirando 2012
12 years ago 00:13:13 23
Capoeira songs by Grande Mestre Suassuna (Real Brazil 2012)