How to Make a Hypercolor Landscape in Photoshop | Adobe Creative Cloud

Give landscapes an infrared look by mixing color channels and applying Hue/Saturation adjustments. To learn, more visit our Photography Tutorials page: Start from scratch, or download practice files [] for a head start. Steps below. Prep your files: 1. Open the practice image in Photoshop. 2. Duplicate the layer: Use Control J (Windows) or Command J (macOS). 3. Invert the new layer: Use Control or Command I to invert the duplicate layer. 4. Choose Color from the blend modes drop-down in the Layers panel. Mix color channels: 1. Click the adjustment layer icon in the Layers panel. 2. Choose Channel Mixer. 3. Select Red from the Output Channel drop-down. 4. Set the Red slider to 0%. 5. Set the Blue slider to 100%. 6. Select Blue from the Output Channel drop-down. 7. Set the Red slider to 100%. 8. Set the Blue slider to 0%. Change the color: 1. Click the adjustment layer icon.
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