ROSE SARONSKAYA in the East is the queen of flowers by its smell, color and beauty external form. In the III century BC --- she, together with lilies seem to be the best decoration of gardens and as an image of complete life beauty. She intertwined among ancient peoples, in wreaths at solemn cases and at religious services Her seeds are like grains of sand and can survive decades in the desert at the first sign water they sprout. Some types of roses still grow also in Palestine, the so-called Saronic rose, is species of tulip or daffodil and occurs in great variety and abundance in the valley Saron. The rose of Jericho known in botany growing now in the sandy steppes of Syria, Egypt and Arabia; tough stems in dry coagulate and, ripped from the sand by the wind, rifts often run across the steppe , in the damp air the plant again straightens out and its branches take the previous view. And now find many roses in di
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