Stanton T. Friedman - UFO Expert - Interview with Bill Boggs in 1987
I want to educate my audience about UFOs and extraterrestrials so this is one of several videos I am releasing for that purpose.
Stanton Terry Friedman (July 29, 1934 – May 13, 2019) was an American nuclear physicist and professional ufologist who resided in New Brunswick, Canada. He was the original civilian investigator of the Roswell UFO incident.
In 1970, Friedman left full-time employment as a physicist to pursue the scientific investigation of unidentified flying objects (UFOs). Since then, he gave lectures at more than 600 colleges and to more than 100 professional groups in 50 states, 10 provinces, and 19 countries outside the US. Additionally, he worked as a consultant on the topic. He published more than 80 UFO-related papers and appeared on many radio and television programs. He also provided written testimony to Congressional hearings and appeared twice at the United Nations.
Friedman consistently favored use of the term “flying saucer“ in his work, saying “Flying saucers are, by definition, unidentified flying objects, but very few unidentified flying objects are flying saucers. I am interested in the latter, not the former.“ He used to refer to himself as “The Flying Saucer Physicist“, because of his degrees in nuclear physics and work on nuclear projects.
Friedman’s positions regarding UFO phenomena
Friedman was the first civilian to document the site of the Roswell UFO incident, and supported the hypothesis that it was a genuine crash of an extraterrestrial spacecraft. In 1968 Friedman told a committee of the United States House of Representatives that the evidence suggests that Earth is being visited by intelligently controlled extraterrestrial vehicles. Friedman also stated he believed that UFO sightings were consistent with magnetohydrodynamic propulsion.
In 1996, after researching and fact checking the Majestic 12 documents, Friedman said that there was no substantive grounds for dismissing their authenticity.
In 2004, on George Noory’s Coast to Coast radio show, Friedman debated Seth Shostak, the SETI Institute’s Senior Astronomer. Like Friedman, Shostak also believes in the existence of intelligent life other than humans; however, unlike Friedman, he does not believe such life is now on Earth or is related to UFO sightings.
Friedman hypothesized that UFOs may originate from relatively nearby sunlike stars.
A piece of evidence that he often cited with respect to this hypothesis is the 1964 star map drawn by alleged alien abductee Betty Hill during a hypnosis session, which she said was shown to her during her abduction. Astronomer Marjorie Fish constructed a three-dimensional map of nearby sun-like stars and claimed a good match from the perspective of Zeta Reticuli, about 39 light years distant. The fit of the Hill/Fish star maps was hotly debated in the December 1974 edition of Astronomy magazine, with Friedman and others defending the statistical validity of the match.
Friedman stated strong views against search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI) research. Friedman contested the implicit premise of SETI that there has been no extraterrestrial visitation of the planet, because it was his claim that SETI was seeking only signals, not extraterrestrial intelligence or beings. He maintained that the prominence and widespread public claims of those involved with SETI have tended to prevent serious research, including research by journalists, of UFOs.
Friedman was a classmate of Carl Sagan at the University of Chicago. Friedman criticized Sagan, a proponent of SETI, for ignoring empirical evidence, such as “600-plus unknowns“ of Project Blue Book Special Report No. 14. Friedman argued that these empirical data directly contradict Sagan’s claim in Other Worlds that the “reliable cases are uninteresting and the interesting cases are unreliable“. Specifically, Friedman referred to a table in Project Blue Book Special Report No. 14 that he said “shows that the better the quality of the sighting, the more likely it was to be an ’unknown’, and the less likely it was to be listed as containing ’insufficient information’“.
Majestic 12
Friedman was criticized both by skeptics and other Roswell researchers for taking the position that there are no substantive grounds for dismissing the authenticity of some Majestic 12 documents although Friedman was the first to provide evidence that some of the documents are clearly hoaxes. For example, he showed that a supposed memo from Admiral Roscoe Hillenkoetter to President Truman, dated Feb. 17, 1948, was actually the emulation of a letter from Marshall to Roosevelt that was in the book The American MAGIC. Friedman researched the MJ-12 documents since becoming aware of them from Wiliam Moore and Jaime Shandera in 1984.
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