some video material from diorama’s d-day show in reutlingen (), cut together with love (and final cut). please excuse the rough quality, we’ve messed the whole recording thing up on so many levels... but it was a promise to share our documentation with you - so here we are. thanks to ceyda satiral and torbens nephew philipp for the extra footage we’ve used.
setlist of the diorama concert:
01 avatars
02 patchwork
03 exit the grey
04 defcon
05 last minute
06 horizons
07 gasoline
08 advance
09 panes of glass
10 prozac junkies
11 sensation
12 synthesise me
13 the minimum
14 child of entertainment
15 kein mord
16 das meer
17 said but true
3 weeks ago 00:04:44 3
Трогательные миниатюрные диорамы от художника Тацуя Танака