I found this really interesting cellophane glitter material that I thought would generate a nice opal effect. Regular glitter didn’t work, so I wanted to try it. After a few failures I figured out a way to achieve the desired effect. Materials used: Envirotex Lite epoxy resin, black mica powder, cellophane glitter, molds, mixing cups and a mixing stick.
6 months ago 00:07:51 1
Черный опал из эпоксидной смолы своими руками/DIY/black opal from epoxy resin
7 months ago 00:04:18 1
DIY Gemstones from CDs! (and Plastic Bottles)
8 months ago 00:13:21 1
Amazing Faux Murano Glass from Polymer Clay. Unique Technique. Tutorial
11 months ago 00:05:53 1
Янтарь из эпоксидной смолы своими руками / amber from epoxy resin - YouTube