Pilot Boarding in ICE // #marinepilot #icenavigation #marine #pilot #boarding #lifeatsea #challenge

Pilot Boarding in ice. Navigating in ice waters can be a real task for ships, as the later moves cracking and smashing through the frozen and frigid seas. While moving towards subzero temperature with ice covered waters, the ship’s captain has to be extremely cautious and must pay utmost attention to the type of ice, thickness, and its exact location in the subzero navigation areas. If there’s any kind of misjudgment during ice navigation, a detour from the navigable route would lead to additional fuel wastage and might also get the vessel stuck in thick ice leading to dangerous situation and damage. The existence of ice on seawater corresponds to a major restraint for ships and offshore operations at high latitudes in both the hemispheres. The sea-ice, which on an average is 2–3 m thick, can be pierced only by specially designed ice-strengthened vessels or icebreakers with an appropriate ice class. Most merchant ships and fishing vessels which are not ice-strengthened must consequently k
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