BRAZIL: Military parade to mark new regime (1942)

BRITISH PARAMOUNT NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit President Vargas and military personnel taking part in a parade. Full Description: BRAZIL: Rio de Janeiro: SV car carrying personalities including President Vargas towards and past camera. SV armoured cars filled with troops towards and past camera. SCU group of personalities including President Vargas. SV armoured cars and lorries towards and past camera. SV lorry laden with troops with rifles past camera. SV tanks towards and past camera down street. SV crowd on side of road. SV lorry with troops and pulling large gun past camera. SSV President Vargas with personalities. SV line of lorries carrying troops and searchlights (?) towards and past camera Get????lio Dornelles Vargas - Brazilian President Background: President Vargas and military personnel taking part in a parade. FILM ID: VLVADNV29CH3SEGPITPS2112AHXDG To license this fil
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