Christie - Yellow River (Original Stereo)

In July 1970, it was a case of unfortunate timing for the newly formed 3 piece U.K. band, ‘Christie’, as its debut single was released in Australia when major overseas record label products were being controversially banned by pop radio stations across the country. A month after the ‘Christie’ disc first charted, the Melbourne group, ‘Jigsaw’ issued a cover version. That particular recording ultimately received the majority of airplay in Australia, and became a national #5 hit. During the same period, yet another local outfit (‘Autumn’) also recorded the song, and shared chart success with ‘Jigsaw’ in Brisbane and Sydney, eventually making it to the #20 national position. In spite of the radio embargo and the other competing recordings, the ‘Christie’ track (certainly regarded by music reviewers of the time as the superior rendition) still managed to peak at the #16 national spot during a long chart run of 29 weeks. This is the complete version, with a slightly longer running t
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