Fast and Realistic Scratch Built Wooden Crates for Warhammer, Mordheim, Dungeons and Dragons, AOS

In this video I make some fast and easy wooden crates. This would be great for Dungeons and Dragons encounters, or scatter terrain for any gaming system set in a fantasy or historical environment: Pathfinder, Warhammer Fantasy, Age of Sigmar (AOS), Mordheim, Frostgrave, Bolt Action, Blood & Plunder and many others. I have seen many techniques to make crates ranging from painting the design on to building them from scratch with tiny planks of wood. I devised this method which is a good compromise between 3d detail and time and had never seen it before, so I decided to share. I hope you enjoy. If you want to support the channel, please use the links below! PATREON: AMAZON: 3/4“ Wooden cubes: EMAIL ericshobbyworkshop@ INSTAGRAM: @erics_hobby_workshop
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