Спокойная гитарная музыка написанная или переложенная для гитары такими композиторами, как Морриконе, Скарлатти, Кастельнуово-Тедеско, Респиги и Паганини

A soft ambiance created by the best music played on guitar. This edition consists of the best pieces from Italian composers. Music written or transcribed for guitar by composers such as Morricone, Scarlatti, Castelnuovo-Tedesco, Respighi and Paganini. Peaceful guitar music, relaxing music. 💎 Listen to this album on Spotify: 🎵 Online purchase or streaming (Apple Music, Amazon Music, Deezer, YouTube Music): Check out our other videos in the series: The Baroque Collection: The Spanish Collection: The Latin Collection: The Popular Classics Collection: 🎬🎮 Our music is available for sync licensing in videos, films, tv-shows, games, advertising and more. For more information and to re
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