Eisenhower Reports (1952)

Unused / unissued footage - dates and locations may be unclear / unknown. General Dwight ’Ike’ Eisenhower reports after 1 year’s work with SHAPE (Supreme Headquarters Allied Power in Europe) at Marly, France. Commander-in-Chief of Western Armies Dwight Eisenhower stands before microphones and makes speech. He talks of ’SHAPE’ being formed and how one year ago it assumed operational command of the troops stationed in Europe “for the defence of this great area“. He says “the purpose of our governments was a very simple one, to retain the peace through establishing a sound collective security“. He talks of the progress sometimes seeming distressingly slow. He talks of discouragements - the strained economies of Europe, and that in spite of the expenditure of vast sums of money the flow of equipment has not been as rapid as predicted. He talks of the “sore spots“ of Indochina, Korea and Malaya having a “direct impact upon our efforts here“. On the encouraging. side he mentions the rise in moral
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