The Innu Nation: Sheshatsiu & Mushuau - Quebec & Labrador, Canada - “The Mountain People“

This is a video for: “The Innu Nation“, the Sheshatsiu & Mushuau communites of Innu people in Quebec & Labrador, Canada, sometimes referred to as: “The Mountain People“. There are also over 1000 videos in this channel for North, South & Central American & World Tribes & First Nations, Chiefs, Elders, Quotes, Residential Schools, Historical Events, Indigenous Concerns, Legends, Environmental Youth Activists.. and much more. ------------------------------------------------ “The Innu People“ (Ilnu: “man“, “person“, or, Innut, Innuat, Ilnuatsh (“people“), were formerly called “Montagnais“, from the French colonial period (French: “mountain people“). They are the Indigenous People of territory in the north-eastern portion of the present-day province of Quebec and some eastern portions of Labrador. They refer to their traditional homeland as Nitassinan, (“Our Land“, ᓂᑕᔅ5
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