“The Blood“ / “Кръвта“ - short animation film (TRAILER )

( PLEASE - Watch in HD for real picture quality ) The Blood - short animation film by Velislava Gospodinova Produced by: Geopoly Film - Sofia, Bulgaria Supported by: Bulgarian National Film Center Blood -- a destructive element or a life-giving substance, a symbol of death or hope of deliverance. Synopsis: An appeal to society against terror and war, against violence in any of its forms. In a dynamic and dramatic way, the story exposes the connection between life, death and their eternal companion -- The Blood. Released from the corporeal prison of the dead body, it finds its own way, grows and like a huge monster envelops and conquers the world entire. It spins with Earth itself and triumphs in the name of death. Yet, so little of this blood can bring back to life. Crew: Director: Velislava Gospodinova Producer and Distributor’s Information: Geopoly Film - Georgy Cholakov, Pavlina Jeleva Screenplay: Velislava Gospodinova Design: Velisla
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