The End of the Epopee (Конецъ былины) Russian Monarchist Song about the Abdication of Nicholas II
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Infos about the song:
The End of the Epopee (The dawn blazed with a bloody fire), in Russian Конецъ былины / Конец былины (Кровавымъ пожаромъ зардѣлась заря / Кровавым пожаром зарделась заря) Performed by the Choir named after St. John of Damascus at the Cathedral of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God in St. Petersburg. A song based on the poems of the great poet Sergei Bekhteev / Сергѣй Бехтеевъ / Сергей Бехтеев, whose loyal poems were smuggled to the exiled-in-Siberia Nicholas II and his Family, about the February treason and, supposedly, the so called forced “abdication” of the Tsar. The Lyrics are written in pre-revolutionary russian orthography, which was before the communist reform of the latter what slightly simplified it, and was the one that this poem was originally written in.
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