Blood Cure - Full Horror Movie | Modern Vampire Story

“Did you think you were the only one?“ Film Freaks by FilmIsNow presents the full horror movie BLOOD CURE! 😨Subscribe to watch more awesome full horror movies After an unforeseen and violent affliction turns her world upside down, Rowena Hambleton struggles to survive night-to-night as she prowls the streets of Los Angeles. If there is a cure for what ails her, Rowena has yet to find it. Directed By: Alain Silver Starring: Mackenzie Rosman, Devin Metzger, Eric Gorlow, Alain Silver, Roy Lee Jones, Lindsay Bushman #BloodCure #FilmFreaks #FullMovies Join our indie movie trailer community and discover your next movie gem with Film Freaks by FilmIsNow! 🛒 CHECK OUT OUR NEW MERCH STORE! 🎥 FILMISNOW MOVIE TRAILERS 😂 FILMISNOW MOVIE BLOOPERS & EXTRA 🏃 FILMISNOW ACTION MOVIE TRAIL
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