Doom 64: The ’I Suck At Making Maps’ message

An example of a rarely-encountered yet (in)famous sight in Doom 64, the ’I suck at making maps’ message. This has been part of the game since developing the 1997 original, and was meant to draw attention during playtesting to where a predefined texture might be expected, but is missing. It’s generally not so easy to find places where this message exists, since it often means the player has reached, or exposed, a part of the level that wasn’t meant to be seen. This particular example is from the second map of ’The Lost Levels’, a mini-Episode that was included as bonus content with the March 2020 re-release of Doom 64 on multiple platforms. Here, at about 0:28 in the video, the player prevents one independent section of a moving floor from rising to its full height, thus exposing some interior parts of the structure that were never assigned textures. Notes on the making of this video: Generally speaking this is a ’no monsters’-style demo, made to quickly show the stated objectives without additional minu
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