Restoring and Exploring a 1981 Sinclair ZX81

The sinclair ZX81 from 1981 is an iconic retro computer in the history of home computing. The follow up to the ZX80 Sir Clive Sinclair consolodated many chips into a ULA to further cost reduce the computer and help get it into our homes from under £50. A truly low cost computer. Today we take a look at one, repair it and try it out to see how it holds up today. 🏆 Support RMC Time is the most valuable thing we have. Patrons create a reliable monthly income that allows me to give my all to this channel. If you’d like to support this, and help me make it the very best I can then please visit: ● Support the Sponsors of The Cave MonsterJoysticks: 1ClickPrint: #RMC
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