AbeBooks Review: Goodbye to All That by Robert Graves

Find copies on AbeBooks: AbeBooks’ review of Goodbye to All That by Robert Graves In 1929, the poet and author Robert Graves went to live in Spain. This is his account of his life up until leaving England, from his unhappy childhood at Charterhouse School to his experiences as a very young officer in World War I. It also contains memorable encounters with fellow writers and poets, including Siegfried Sassoon and Thomas Hardy. This autobiography is a candid description of a forgotten era and one of the finest records of the horror of the trench warfare in World War I. Subscribe to the AbeBooks Channel: You will see book reviews, bookshops, top 10s, rare and beautiful books, tips for book collectors, author profiles and much more. We love books and are glad you do too. AbeBooks is an online marketplace for books. Millions of new, used, rare, and out-of-print books are offered for sale through the AbeBooks websites from t
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