[ORIGINAL] LowTierGod’s speech: “You Should... NOW!“

Note: This video is for satire and preservation purposes only. Don’t do any of these things LTG tells you to do. The year is 2020. “Camera Off’s classics! LTG gets his ego eradicated by The Flute Musician“ - uploaded by the titular Camera Off - is currently the most viewed video regarding Low Tier God’s infamous deprecating speech. While the video in question doesn’t detract from the value of Low Tier God’s speech as a whole - even making it more enjoyable in some cases - I noticed that there was no readily-available upload featuring the predominant part of the speech, with just the face cam and no other edits. So I scoured the internet. And sure enough, I came across a clip with roughly the same quality as the original Camera Off video, albeit with slightly worse audio. Using my knowledge and proficiency in Vegas Pro 14, I merged the two like the greeks merged a human with a bull, creating the Minotaur to their horror. Unfortunately, I am Autisti
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