Is this a remaster of Populous: The Beginning?

Do you think this qualifies as a remaster or remake of the 1998 god-game? The community is creating a new version of the game and the beta is available to download at Find out more or get involved by joining the Populous Reincarnated discord server: Populous Reincarnated is a community dedicated to keeping the multiplayer of Populous: The Beginning alive and have been doing so since 2002. The beta is currently operational as a multiplayer component and supports up to 8 players (that’s double the original game!) by adding four new tribes (cyan, purple, black, orange). There are already numerous community made campaigns that have new textures, new mechanics, new tribes and they can be played in high resolution. This is without the newest version being worked on. Consider playing Populous with the Multiverse Launcher, it will simplify the process of starting the game and allow you to change many game variables, including resolution and FPS.
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