CGI Animated Short Film: "Dungeon and Co" by ESMA | CGMeetup

CGI 3D Animated Short Film: Dungeon and Co Animated Short Film “Donjon & Cie“ by Adèle Bichon, Alizee Garnier, Noellic Lebouvier, Leonard Plata, Yann Orhon, Matteo Riviere at ESMA. Featured on CGMeetup Gallery The Grolls, victimized minions of a dungeon, are relentlessly attacked by knights in search of adventure. Exhausted, they go on strike to demand better working conditions. Directors: Adèle Bichon, Alizée Garnier, Noëllic Lebouvier, Léonard Plata, Yann Orhon, Mattéo Rivière Music: Youssef L’Khalil Ben Hamida Sound: josé Vicente, Baptiste Leblanc, Yoann Poncet – Studio des Aviateurs Voices: Serge Faliu, Yann Orhon, Antoine Perrichon SUBSCRIBE to CGMeetup for more inspiring content! Watch More CGI & VFX Animated Short Films: VFX Breakdowns
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