Шоу “Х-Фактор“ Британия 2015. - 37-летняя Бупси Браун покорила Саймона и публику со второй попытки.. — “The X Factor“ UK 2015. - 37-year-old Brown Bupsi struck Simon and the audience at the second attempt ..

Шоу “Х-Фактор“ Британия 2015. - 37-летняя Бупси Браун покорила Саймона и публику со второй попытки.. — “The X Factor“ UK 2015. - 37-year-old Brown Bupsi struck Simon and the audience at the second attempt .. Visit the official site: 37-year old Bupsi Brown was told by Simon she had a “kind face” only for her performance of The Beatles’ All My Loving to fall a little flat. After Si requested that he wanted her to get nasty, you won’t believe what happened next… SUBSCRIBE: Facebook: Twitter: Download The X Factor mobile app: Watch full episodes on ITV Player (UK ONLY):
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