Discourses on an Alien Sky #18 | The Myth of the Heavenly Twins

The subject of this video series by Dave Talbott is the ancient experience of towering celestial forms that are no longer present. From a single snapshot of the configuration, we can work backwards to the first appearance of these bodies out of an undifferentiated cloud or sea of dusty plasma. We can then follow the configuration’s evolution through phases that range from quasi-stability to earth shaking catastrophe. As this series continues, it will become increasingly important to start with the Preface and work forward sequentially. These were not intended to be stand-alone videos. View the other Discourses-- See the three full documentaries in the Symbols of an Alien Sky series: Episode 1, Symbols of an Alien Sky documentary Episode 2, Symbols of an Alien Sky: The Lightning-Scarred Planet, Mars documentary Episode 3, Symbols of an Alien Sky: The Elect
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