2024-05-20_ how does Stephan Bandera and “You Indeed Need Jesus“ and Billy Graham fit together _ please search _ DJF N
Hier wurde besonders von meiner Mutter Else (.) aber auch von meiner Mutter Dorothea (beides meine echten Trage- Geburts- und Gebärmütter) im HINTERGRUND an Kultur gearbeitet (nun widerlich beiseite geschoben), wie üblich war das zeitintensiv und ehrenamtlich, es hatte sich dabei auch ergeben, dass ab und zu evangelikale Dinge bearbeitet wurden, zum Beispiel das Zelt für eine Zeltmission, das der Zirkus eigentlich neu aufbauen sollte, dieser hatte sich dann aber das Okay geholt, das alte stehenzulassen (das war meiner Mutter Else (.) eher unangenehm gewesen). ABER An dem speziellen Einband in Gelb mit den Streifen und dem besonderen Design hatte ich dann selbst mitgearbeitet (für das bekannte Jesus unser Schicksal), an der Zusammenstellung des Inhalts hatte aber ein Herr gearbeitet, den ich als “Onkel Herman“ hier gekannt hatte, leider war dann auch der Umzug dieses unmöglichen Predigers in die Colonia Dignidad (versehentlich) mitgesponsort worden (hatte der später noch das Land für wen gekauft?), aber dieser war mehrmals auf unseren Wunsch von einem bayrischen Außenminister in Augenschein genommen worden. SO gibt es zwar Mitwirkung, aber nie Einseitigkeit, “was war mit dem Bertelsmann Buchclub oder mit der Sportförderung für eine “Krabbe“ oder andere? DJF N
ENGLISH: My mother Else (. ) but also by my mother Dorothea (both my real birth mothers) worked on culture in the BACKGROUND (now maybe disgustingly pushed aside because of political reasons), as usual it was very time-consuming and “non profit“ of course, it had also turned out that from time to time evangelical things were worked on (NIV, NKJV, Biblegateway, the founding of Youtube in the background maybe as well?), BUT FOR EVANGELICALS: for example the tent for a tent mission Heukelbach, that a circus was supposed to build new for Heukelbach, but the circus in question had then got the okay from Heukelbach to leave the old one standing (which had been rather unpleasant for my mother Else (.) because that was leaking rainwater too much). FOR MYSELF (DJF): I had worked on the special cover in yellow with the stripes and the special design myself for the well-known lecture of Jesus unser Schicksal with collections of the pastor Wilhelm Busch) there a gentleman I knew here as “Uncle Herman“ had worked on the compilation of the preaching contents, unfortunately the “moving away from the Sauerland“ of this questionable preacher to CHILES’ Colonia Dignidad had also been (inadvertently) sponsored by “speaking on behalf of the rather unknown group of families he was part of“ (had he later bought the large area of land there also? to whom belonged it in writing? ... some rememberance raises questions now very much (!) BTW: is the thieves name Honecker of Harmonika?), but this “unknowen Baptist group“ had been inspected several times at our request by a Bavarian Foreign Minister who found no fault unfortunately (even some had complained about oddities like radio interferene as I am having trouble with since 2018 till now in 2024 like having a hearing device build in what I am having not - is that like Indian Radio attacks in Brazil what the papers described in Portuguese but unfortunately never in German, WHY IS THAT THEN GIVEN TO EMI-STUPID DOCTORS ONLY?). So there was CULTURAL ENVOLVEMENT, but never one-sidedness, BTW “what is about the Bertelsmann book club or the sports sponsorship for a “Krabbe“ or others? ... that was “though through“ also with much time involved. DJF N