Compilation of Taemin being carried and fawned over by his hyungs. The music is by Park Hyo Shin, whom Jonghyun idolized when he was young and appeared together with Shinee on the suju radio last year, “Love Barista“.
People, he can walk on his own jeez! LOL, I can totally relate to how Kang Ho Dong felt, when he just gave Taeminnie that loving look. He’s just too cute.
Taemin’s finally 18 international age, but he’s only 19 in Korea, which means he’s still underage there. When you hit 20, then you ar
5 months ago 00:04:04 1
[리무진 서비스 클립] 청소 l 샤이니 태민 | SHINee TAEMIN
5 months ago 00:01:15 1
[예고] 노래도 연기도 모두 잘 하는 반반한 스타들이 왔다👏🏻 매력 부자! 최
5 months ago 00:00:48 1
Лучший солист на MAMA2024 #bts #jungkook #jimin #taemin #shinee #exo #baekhyun #mama2024