12 minor Jazz studies - all instruments

In this video Jazzduets and friends demonstrates the following 12 improvisational techniques that can be applied to a minor chord: 00:00 - Intro to video 00:25 - scale approach notes - a jazzy sound 01:08 - 2. Major pairs triads - redolent of the Dorian mode 01:45 - 3 .Approaching Major Triads - chromatic coherent sound 02:18 - 4. Major/Minor 7th cliche - exploring this fantastic combination 03:06 - 5. Exotic Triad pairs - classical Melodic minor sound 03:35 - 6. The Minor Pentatonic - sturdy ’inside sound’ 04:40 - Blues scale - blues sound 05:37 - Hendrix Pentatonic - variant on ...the pentatonic that features the major 3rd. 06:16 - 9. The Hybrid Blues scale - mixing major minor 3rd in to the blues scale 06:55 - 10. Bebop Blues scale - this is the Blues scale the Major 7th 07:45 - 11. The ’Super Blues scale’ - 8 note blues scale 08:36 - 12. Approaching the Minor Pentatonic - with chromatic approach notes These
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