They HAVE Always been HERE, Anunnaki Underground City Found, House of ENKI and Ereshkigal

The “House of En-Ki“--“Lord of That Which Is Below“. It was an Ancient Land -- created in an era before history began. It was known by many names by a number of civilisations -- The Phoenicians called it ’Scheria’ -- the ’Land at the End of the World’. The Queen of Sheba referred to it as ’Ophir’ -- “Whence Semitic Sailors brought Gold to add lustre to King Solomon’s glory“. No alt text provided for this image ’Ophir Direct’ -- A map of the old Gold-Fields of Southern Africa dated 1866-67. The Gold deposits discovered by Hartley and Mauch were generally identified with the Biblical Land of Ophir. Ancient Sumerian scripts speak of the ’Land of Ereshkigal’ -- the ’Prairie Country of HA-BUR’ -- It was from here they received cargoes of Gold, Precious Stones, Exotic Timbers and a multitude of other luxury merchandise, all conveyed by sea. The capital of ’Ereshkigal’, according to the texts was in
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