Rescuing a flying-fox on the ground: this is Percival

Percival is an adult male Black Flying-Fox who was found on the ground early one morning in a local park. The lovely MOP put a sign up to warn park goers to keep their distance. This park was extremely local to me so I tumbled out of bed and rocked up to rescue this little guy. I still can’t decide if he’s adult or subadult (it’s a difference in maturity and puberty), but he is a big boy if he’s a subadult. He has been very iffy in care, so I arranged xrays to see if he had chest or shoulder girdle trauma (he didn’t) so we could figure out what is going on with him. I have dropped him to a carer because both my parents are having medical issues at the moment and are quite high maintenance; 24 hours later he is still alive but not doing particularly well; I don’t know if he is a survivor yet but his condition tenuous. Let’s hope he improves soon. Percival was named for the street bordering the park, Percival St. Update: I was going to update you
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