8th Army in Tunisia (1943)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit General Bernard Montgomery is greeted in Sousse after a 1943 victory with the 8th Army in Tunisia Full Description: TUNISIAN REPUBLIC: Sousse: EXT AFRICA 8th Army troops in into SOUSSE MILITARY BRITISH 8th Army troops in tr. Orchards.. Cornfields into kiss Monty MONTGOMERY, Lt. General. Kissed by females on entry into SOUSSE Military - Active WWII, Second World War, World War II, World War Two, war, 1st Viscount Montgomery of Alamein, Battle of El Alamein, Western Desert Campaign, Anglo-Irish British Army, Eighth Army, Allies Background: General Bernard Montgomery is greeted in Sousse after a 1943 victory with the 8th Army in Tunisia FILM ID: VLVABLPYHWGBY8DHHCMPYFD15IA0H To license this film, visit
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