Utterance | Too Far Into The Shit And Blood To Care (OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO)

We are proud to finally present to you all the first single, and title track, off our upcoming second EP “Too Far Into The Shit And Blood To Care“. This EP serves as the follow up and evolution of everything we established in 2021 with “The Fragile Line Between Strength And Arrogance“. Further expanding upon our own brand of uncompromising extreme music, which combines elements of grind, blackened death metal, and hardcore, into a cohesive and relentless sound that holds no punches. On “Too Far Into The Shit And Blood To Care“ we’ve pushed ourselves to write faster, harsher, and harder hitting songs than before, resulting in an EP that we wholly believe showcases our best work to date. The music video accompanying this first single, shot on VHS-C tape, illustrates our no frills, no bullshit approach to this EP. Focusing solely on the band and the music, while managing to capture the energy and intensity of a real performance, and delivering it through all the
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