The New Ultra-Deep Image from the James Webb Space Telescope Reveals We May Have Messed Up Big Time!

The New Ultra-Deep Image from the James Webb Space Telescope Reveals We May Have Messed Up Big Time! James Webb is overturning pretty much everything in cosmology that has been held as truth for 100 years. A new Ultra deep image shows again that we have made mistakes in astronomy. The telescope that was supposed to show us the first stars of the universe is becoming a killer of the previous worldview, and may bring us a whole new science. Not all researchers are shivering in fear at the new facts. Many scientists welcome the developments because it has long been clear that something was wrong with our old theories. The discrepancies in the measurement of the expansion rate of the universe alone should have shaken researchers awake years ago, but instead of interpreting the warnings correctly, they clung to old theories. The Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation, or CMB for short, is considered to be the oldest light in the universe. The CMB was created around 380,000 years after the Big Bang, when the
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