No matter whether you’re a beginner or more experienced, follow along with me, Sleek Ballet Fitness co-founder Flik Swan and try this highly effective and acheivable flexibilty sequence. It is designed to work into both legs and open up your hips, glutes and hamstrings, guaranteed to help get you into the front splits.
Join us In a splits challenge to acheive a deeper split on both legs In as little as 21 days. Practice this workout when you are warm 4-6 times a week. Come Into a live class for extra tips and morivation too on .
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1 month ago 00:07:11 1
Как восстановить зрение при глаукоме, катаракте и макулодистрофии в течении месяца. Glaucoma
1 month ago 00:23:05 1
Гимнастика при артрозе. Комплекс 1.Разработка сустава. KNEE and HIP Arthritis. Basic ex’s (eng subt)
1 month ago 00:24:07 1
Всего два секрета и это упражнение быстро избавит от глаукомы. Glaucoma
1 month ago 00:12:49 1
Кашель проходит за 5 минут! Сама была удивлена! Cough is going away in 5 minutes! I was surprised!