. Luv U. Episode 11. Couple in bondage scene. Minute 36:36

Wanda Talbert is a New York con artist. After being caught by the NYPD, she agrees to help them nail a criminal. What they didn’t tell her was that she would have to testify against him, and that will not take place for a few years, which means that she has to remain in custody till that day comes, which does make her happy, cause it means she would have to put her money making schemes or con games on hold. They then send her to Palm Springs where an ex federal marshall runs a security agency where she will work while hiding. Also accompanying her is Joey Paciorek, New York cop who has to protect her and make sure that she doesn’t bolt. They pretend to be Cody and Dani Powell a couple, which is not going to be easy since both of them don’t like each other.
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