Anime If I Was Allowed to Animate

Showing you the correct way to animate 0:00 My Dress Up Darling (this is a good anime) 0:23 Bunny Girl Sempai 0:42 umm uhhhh uh some show where some girl is reincarnated as a princess heir but can’t cast magic and befriends a girl who can cast magic and they fall in love or something 0:54 anime about lost civilisation or something and they wander around and animals just sorta ignore them but fly around idk 1:06 Call of the Night 1:16 mc gets reincarnated as godmode idk and makes a lava submarine one episode and the black hair chick is a dragon 1:27 Shirobako 1:40 Shirobako 2:02 My Love Story with Yamada-kun at Lv999 (this one’s good) 2:13 My Love Story with Yamada-kun at Lv999 2:40 idk 2:53 idk look up suspicious purple eyed chick anime
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